Sunday, April 15, 2012

What we're here for

Peer pressure.



These words are abstract...but they mean so much in any girl's life. 
The meanings behind the words?
You feel fat.
You feel stupid.
You feel ugly.
You feel unwanted.

And why? All because those three words.
Peer Pressure

But don't worry.
You're not alone.

Girls all over the world feel the same way you do. Maybe you think your clothes aren't cool enough, or you aren't good enough, or you aren't worth anyone's time. This. Is. Not. True.

You are beautiful. You are beautiful just for being you. You are amazing in your own special way . Your imperfections make you perfect. You don't need to be anyone else. Just be the person you want to be.

And you probably know this.

But sometimes, you aren't so sure. Sometimes, doubt comes creeping in. That's where we come in. We're teenage girls, just like you. We're going through the same things as you. And we're here to help. 

We have stories to share, messages to spread, and, hopefully, girls to help.

See you around soon.
-The InsideOut Team

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